You may receive an email that says there were no items to process today.
If you received this email but there were activities assigned to the bot for processing, this could be why:
Activities cannot be seen by the reviewer
You may have reassigned activities to the bot’s code in Epic, but these may not be visible to the bot on its home screen.
Please log into Epic using the bot’s credentials and check to see if the activities are visible to the bot.
The ‘code column’ is not visible to the reviewer
Activities may be appearing in the home screen, but perhaps the ‘code’ column is not visible to the bot.
Review the Epic Account Requirements article to learn how to enable the code column by clicking on Customize View and selecting the checkbox for Code.
Activities assigned to the reviewer are not configured to be processed
You may have configured your bot to process EREN activities, but the activities assigned to the bot have the activity code DREN or EDOC.
Please review and/or update the activity codes your bot should be processing in the Control Room under Activity Management.