1. Knowledge Hub
  2. Renewal Reviews
  3. Processing Rate and Exceptions

Renewal Reviews Daily Reports

What are Daily Reports?

After the Renewal Reviews capability completes its daily run, it will send an email report regarding the performance including:

  • Processing rate: The percentage of policies the bot was able to review without exceptions
  • Policies processed: Which policies the bot reviewed and added a renewal summary to
  • Exceptions: Policies that will require a manual review.

It is normal to see a 5-10% exception rate on each Daily Report. Below is a list of exceptions your bot may include on its Daily Report, with its corresponding definition and next steps. The bolded examples are exceptions that you can self-resolve.

Exception Buckets

What does this mean?

What happens next?

Send activity back to  bot for processing

Unable to find documents

The review was unable to find the required policy documents

Customers can verify if the policy documents are attached and let us know if the bot missed them


Failed to extract renewal data from PDF

The review was unable to extract data from the policy document

Quandri retrains the bot on how to read these policy documents


Failed to extract endorsement data from PDF

The review was unable to extract data from the policy document

Quandri retrains the bot on how to read these policy documents


Carrier XX not implemented

The review has not yet been trained to read specified carrier’s documents

Quandri is always working on adding in more carrier coverage. If this carrier makes up a significant portion of your volume, let us know


Unable to find current/renewed policy line

The review was unable to find an active policy line for the policy being reviewed

Customers should verify if the policy line is in fact supposed to be renewing


Unable to map XX policy type to HAB or AUTO

The review was not configured to process the specified policy type code.

If the bot was supposed to process a specified policy type code, let us know.


An error has occurred for these:

An unspecified or uncommon error has occurred, which is technical in nature.

Quandri is aware when these occur and works on fixing these issues


XX policy type not supported

The policy was found to be non-personal lines, which the bot cannot process.

Customers can verify if the policy was indeed a non-personal lines policy that the bot should not process. If it was personal lines, let us know

Yes - if this is actually a policy type the bot can process. Please adjust your configuration in Control Room and then send these back to the bot.

Carrier XX Not Supported

The carrier of the policy is not currently supported

Quandri is aware of this and will be building in carriers on an ongoing basis


Endorsement Effective Date not Found

The effective date of the endorsement was not found on the document

Quandri is aware of these and will be retraining to find the correct effective date


Failed to generate renewal summary

The review ran into an issue with compiling the renewal report. This can occur if a required data point is not available.

Quandri is aware when this occurs and works on fixing these issues


Unable to review mismatched documents

There was a mismatch in the policy information. For example: if last year’s policy was habitational and this year’s is both habitational and automobile, the bot can only do the habitational review. The automobile review cannot be completed because there was no automobile policy last year.

Customers should verify if there are documents available to complete the review


Unable to load contacts screen

The contacts screen within Epic took too long to load/did not load so the bot was unable to extract information from it, which is required for completing the review.

Quandri is aware when this occurs and investigates these further


Unable to create additional activity

The review was unable to complete creating the additional activity.

Quandri is aware when this occurs and investigates these further


How does the renewal review calculate its processing rate?

The processing rate is calculated based on the percentage of successful reviews relative to the number of activities with sufficient data to complete a renewal review. 

If the renewal review does not have sufficient data to complete a review, this is treated as an exception and excluded from the processing rate (ex. policy documents are not attached to policy with the management system). These are errors that you can address the issue that occurred and reassign the activity to the bot to review again. 

If the renewal review has all sufficient data to complete a review and it encounters an issue, this will be included as error within processing (ex. pdf extraction error). These are errors that we actively monitor and work on to reduce their occurrence.

Please let us know if you have questions and we would be happy to investigate any errors or exceptions further. 


In summary, Renewal Reviews Daily Reports enable you to have a clear understanding of performance and what activities will require manual review. Be sure to review the Exceptions Chart above and assess if you can send the exception back to the renewal reviews on your own before submitting a ticket to Quandri Support.


Can’t resolve your issues via our Knowledge Hub? Email Quandri Support with your query.